-next semester
-the soundtrack of my life
-my future
-"Respectable Sins"
-my sense of "style"
-summer plans
-my friends
-my family
-high school
-my time
Well it's probably going to take me awhile to get through this list but that's ok. Let's get started on that list.
Next Semester:
I scheduled classes for next semester today. I'm taking 16 credits, which might not sound like a lot...but i'm a little nervous because I haven't taken that many credits in a while. So far...here's how it looks...
BR331 Religions of the World
MA151 Intro. to Probability & Statistics
CO231 Radio Announcing & Production
CO381 Media Law
CO421 Research Methods in Communication
PE121CAR Cardio Strength Conditionng Women
PE111YOG Yoga
Usually I'm excited about the new classes I will be taking because they relate to my major, but a math class, a Bible class, and Strenght training and yoga don't relate to the major. I haven't taken a math class in 4 years so i'm kinda worried I won't remember that 2+2=4. I'm actually worried for all my classes. I hate worrying. God tells us in pretty obvious terms that we aren't supposed to worry. He is in control of everything and we really can't change what His plan is. So my goal....is to stop worrying. Hahaha...might be awhile before i accomplish that one. Let's look on the positive side of things w/ regards to classes....I'm interested in what exactly we will do in Yoga...hopefully I'll get a little more flexible, always a good thing. And i'm excited to take the Radio announcing and production class. Hopefully this will let me know if I want to be on-air at a radio station...or do more behind the scenes stuff. Side note- one of my professors told me the other day he could see me in public relations type stuff....awesome Dr. Clark, way to make me complete doubt my choice of major/minor. Great now I need to deal doubt...which is also something God tells us not to do...geesh...i'm on a role w/ this whole trusting God thing. Well at least His grace is sufficient.
Also...I noticed that my posts have nothing to do w/ my title...my random thoughts are not helping me decide on a great title....so I'll end each post w/ something about me that I think needs to be included in my blog title. Today it's.....
Well after looking at this post, I've concluded, unfortunately enough, that I am a worrying doubter...or a doubting worrier. which ever way you want to look at it.
may you all have a peaceful day.
Girl don't be worried!! And when you do get worried read Phil 4:6 : )