Monday, October 12, 2009

Rainy fall day

So it's kinda cold and rainy today. The leaves had started to change, and some have started to fall off the trees, so there's wet, brown leaves all over the sidewalk. I know I should hate weather like this, I mean who would pick this over a warm, sunny day when it's 80 degrees. And while I love days like that too, I'll be honest and say I love this weather...ok maybe not the rain...but anyways.

It reminds me of 2 things:

1. What I imagine England would be like. I'm not sure why but I think of England as being kinda blustery and cold. I probably get it from Wuthering Heights, one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE books. I can almost picture myself ducking into some quaint bookstore for tea after traveling through the moors....See I warned you my blog was going to be weird. You're only just beginning to see how strange my mind really is.

2. Chicago. When I turned 16 my mom took me and one of my best friends at the time, Laura, to Chicago. I love everything about Chicago, I love how big it is, I love how diverse it is, I love how I can pass Louis Vuitton, H&M, and Goodwill all within a couple of minutes. Anyways, when I went with Laura and my mom it was only about the second time I had gone. We had a fantastic time but it rained/snowed and was cloudy for most of the weekend. I went to Chicago again with the Student Council from high school and same deal...I loved it, but it rained the whole weekend. In some weird frame of mind I feel like the clouds fit Chicago though. For me at least, it makes it feel more urban. I feel compelled to walk fast and wear a black (very stylish, of course) trench coat.

So yes, while the rain is wet and cold. I enjoy what it reminds me it's time for me to go to class. Maybe I'll walk quickly and pretend my sweatshirt is actually a very stylish trench coat.

Much love.


  1. Brittany I love you! And your blog isn't weird!!

  2. Your imagination of England is actually pretty accurate. While I was there it was cold and rained the whole flipping time.

    I don't think your blog is weird, I think it is honest, which I find refreshing :)
