Tuesday, October 13, 2009

it's funny

NOTE TO READERS: Due to having a lot on my mind this entry will probably end up being random. I tend to have a thought, begin to elaborate on it, then move onto another thought before i finish the old one. consider yourself warned.

it's funny how easily your day can be changed. My day started out awesome. I made toast and eggs for breakfast and I looked cute. Then I went to class and I got a test back. I didn't fail but I didnt get a very good grade either. So my day went a little worse. Then i went on a field trip to a t.v. station which was fun. So my day got a little better. After that I had a soccer game, which we lost...that made me sad/mad. I played alot which was great but it's just been a frustrating (I never spell this word right) year soccer-wise...but that will come later...in the form of a post. haha. Then I did homework...which continued to bring my day down. Then...we had our floor/friends Bible study. This has become the highlight of my week. I love being able to share our insights, triumphs, and pray requests with each other. But back to my rollercoaster of emotions (why yes, i did steal that analogy). I don't think that it's right for me to be that wishy-washy. I mean shouldn't my emotions be based on God, and when I really think about it, i bring it upon myself with the value i place on things that dont really matter. So for the rest of this week i'm gonna try hard to not let day-to-day circumstances change my attitude. This is going to be tough.

ok well i'm tired. and i guess that post wasn't quite as random as i thought it was going to be...but it's time for me to drift off into the sweet sweet land of sleep.

sleep well.

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