Monday, March 29, 2010


So my roommate bought a record player. Yeah, one of those super retro, awesome things you play records on. I love it, and I've been getting acquainted with some classics: Dylan, James Taylor, Carly Simon. It's been lovely. I can't think of to many things that are as relaxing as sitting on the couch, listening to records. Life just seems a bit more simple when you're sitting in the sunlight watching the record spin around.

Obviously, I've been listening to quite a bit of music recently (I guess this isn't surprising, since I almost always have music of some form playing) and am still amazed how powerful music is.

Music possesses the unique ability to change my mood almost instantaneously. I get into the car, turn on the radio and whatever song is currently being played over the airwaves determines my mood for the next few hours of my life. If it's an up-tempo song, I'm ready to take on the world, thinking life is great. If it's a slower song, I mellow out and become introspective.

Today was an introspective day. It began by listening to the lyrical musings of James Taylor which left me feeling like I MUST take a nap or a long drive. Since the money is tight, I went with a nap. Next Gavin Degraw, John Mayer, and Maroon 5, via, dropped me into a contemplative mood.

I haven't decided if this is a good or bad thing. It's a little scary that music can effect my emotions to that extent. It's a little scary that I like experiencing all those different emotions. And it's a little scary that the artists have that kind of control over me. I'm not really too sure what to do about it right now....besides John Mayer is currently lulling me into sweet melancholy, so I don't really care what else is going on....

and yes, I do know that this is a strange post.

I wrote this a long time ago...but the good old internet was failing me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I think I'm going to try something new. Not quite sure what it will be yet. I just am tired of being in the same old rut and it's time to push myself out. On to bigger and better things.....or maybe just different things.

sidenote: I got my application for graduation in the mail this week. I will be graduating college in a little over one year. THAT is scary...scary and exciting all at the same time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

spring break?

yes, yes, i know i haven't posted in ages and ages, what can i say, i'm been crazy busy.

Well, today is the first day of SPRING BREAK!!! I'm so excited. I'm going with some friends down to Florida. We're driving, which should be....interesting. I'm actually looking forward to the drive down. I love driving/ riding in cars and it'll be great to be with my friends. I do however, have this lurking feeling that around hour number 10 I'll be ready to be OUT OF THE CAR!!! haha. oh well it's all part of the experience.

This is my first true college spring break. the past 2 years i've just gone home. So i'm so excited to be with my friends.

*note to self: I HATE swimsuit shopping, talk about a self-esteem killer*

Unfortunately, I have quite a bit of homework to do over spring break. I don't have anything that's due the mon. we get back, but ALOT of projects to get started on. hopefully that will make the week after spring break a little less stressful.

That's all for now folks. There was an "updating-fluffy-no actual content" post for you to enjoy while I'm soaking up the sun in Florida!!!!!!!