has it been awhile? yes....get off my back. just kidding.
My computer is broken. It's been at tech services since Mon...and no news yet. I opened my computer of j-term break and discovered that all of my papers that represented way too many hours of scholarship, all of my pictures that represented way too many memories, and all of my music which represented way too much money (no, I don't get songs off of limewire for free) were ALL GONE!!! After a none too mild freak-out session I was reminded that all things pass away eventually and all of that stuff was material anyways. It was a good reminder to put stuff in perspective.
well I'm almost through the first week of classes for the spring semester. it's going to be..interesting. I'm taking 17.5 credits, which doesn't seem like very many, but when you take into account that last semester i basically had 11, its A TON!! I have a funny feeling that this might be my hardest semester.....awesome...
*side note: I'm writing this in the computer lab, and the kid in front of me has hiccups, weirdest hiccups ever. His entire body goes into convulsions when he hiccups....great now he's humming.
anyway i guess i would rather get the hard stuff done now. I just foresee there being many sleepless nights in my future. Too bad i'm not a night owl.
Well time to embark on a fun-filled night:
Working out
I'm such a crazy kid, huh? "Live it up" that's my motto! Who knows, maybe i'll go crazy and watch some T.V.!!!! ***For those of you who don't know me well enough to know that I'm a strong believer in the use of sarcasm, the last section was an example of that strong belief.***
Here's to a semester of perseverance!
12 years ago