Thursday, January 28, 2010


has it been awhile? yes....get off my back. just kidding.

My computer is broken. It's been at tech services since Mon...and no news yet. I opened my computer of j-term break and discovered that all of my papers that represented way too many hours of scholarship, all of my pictures that represented way too many memories, and all of my music which represented way too much money (no, I don't get songs off of limewire for free) were ALL GONE!!! After a none too mild freak-out session I was reminded that all things pass away eventually and all of that stuff was material anyways. It was a good reminder to put stuff in perspective.

well I'm almost through the first week of classes for the spring semester. it's going to be..interesting. I'm taking 17.5 credits, which doesn't seem like very many, but when you take into account that last semester i basically had 11, its A TON!! I have a funny feeling that this might be my hardest semester.....awesome...

*side note: I'm writing this in the computer lab, and the kid in front of me has hiccups, weirdest hiccups ever. His entire body goes into convulsions when he hiccups....great now he's humming.

anyway i guess i would rather get the hard stuff done now. I just foresee there being many sleepless nights in my future. Too bad i'm not a night owl.

Well time to embark on a fun-filled night:
Working out

I'm such a crazy kid, huh? "Live it up" that's my motto! Who knows, maybe i'll go crazy and watch some T.V.!!!! ***For those of you who don't know me well enough to know that I'm a strong believer in the use of sarcasm, the last section was an example of that strong belief.***

Here's to a semester of perseverance!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Why is it so gosh-darn easy to waste time?

This question has been on my mind for the past couple of days. Why you may ask? ok so you probably didn't ask and you probably don't actually have the desire to know, but lucky you, I'm sharing a 'round about way.

If you've known me for longer than...a day... you will know that I hate HATE HATE throwing up. I don't like not knowing when it's going to just sit there feeling absolutely horrid waiting for your stomach and your esophagus to completely rebel against you. There is nothing you can do to help it...or to stop it. So the flu is pretty much like dying to me.

Unfortunately, I'm just now getting over this deadly affliction.

I got sick on Wednesday night. My system "emptied" itself in about 6 hours and for the next 65 hours my system was out of commission. My saving grace came in the form of Beth and Carrie who provided me with saltines and 7up, my I'm-sick-with-the-flu necessities.

I was in my bed for two days straight. I watched some movies, but I got so bored. I kept thinking, I could be using all the precious minutes that I'll never get back to do something productive. But when I thought about it, if I was completely healthy I would have probably spent those days eating, sleeping, watching movies, wandering around the Internet, and possibly working out. While these pastimes may be enjoyable, they aren't exactly productive.

Why is it so easy to waste time?

Is it because we're lazy?

Because we just don't care?

Because we value "relaxing"?


"We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves." Alice Bloch

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Transcultural Family

First post of the new year!!! whoooo hooooo!!!

...To bad i don't have anything incredibly profound to say.

Well I'm two days into J-term. For all of you bloggernauts out there who don't know what J-term is, it's a "January term" where you take one class a day for two weeks. The classes are usually on the creative side, like "quilt-making" or "what Jesus film would Jesus watch". I'm taking Transcultural families. Sounds like it's CRAZY right? ok so maybe it sounds like a class they make you go through when you want to adopt a kid from another country, but it counts towards credits I need in order to graduate so it's ok. I wasn't too excited about the class because it sounded rather boring, not many of my friends were in it, and it was in the Nursing Program. So when people asked what j-term class I was taking I usually responded with a somewhat sincere sigh/groan and said that it sounded boring but at least it counted for something.

fast-forward to Jan. 3rd. My brother was talking about his J-term class that he signed up to take and how he really didn't want to take it but he felt like my parents were "strongly suggesting" him to (by the way, don't you hate when parents do that, I mean wouldn't it be easier to just come out and say, "you should do this", rather than attempting to subtly imply that not-so-hidden message, but I digress.) a class that would prep him for the ACT. He said it was going to be hard and boring and he would hate being in the class.

Being the all-knowing, always-right guru that I am, and since I was feeling especially pious since it was Sunday, I told him he should stop complaining and go into it with a good attitude. I told him that if he went into the class with a bad attitude that the class would go badly. As I smiled to myself thinking what mature advice I'd just given, my dad looks at me. He informs me that when talking about my j-term class I had pretty much said that I didn't want to take it but I felt like i should because it counted for required credits. This sounds a bit repetitive doesn't it? well that's because that's exactly what my brother had said, and that's exactly what I had just deemed a bad attitude. Talk about a slap in the face. After a couple seconds of trying to argue how my situation was different, I gave up, realizing I couldn't win a battle I had already lost. My dad was right, it was time I practiced what I preached and get rid of my bad attitude.

So, this j-term class has been good so far. A little repetitive, a little boring, but good. Obviously my new year's resolution of having a better attitude hasn't quite kicked in yet.

Don't rain on your own parade.